EICR is short for Electrical installation condition report. As the name suggests this is an in depth report on the condition of the electrical system in your home or business. It comprises both an inspection and measured tests to ensure the installation is safe for continued use.

The system is tested to ensure compliance with IET BS7671. The inspector needs to be competent in testing. Be up to date and have a sound knowledge of the latest regulations and be skilled in the use of the specialist equipment needed to test the installation. The report produced will list the issues as Codes. These are industry standard codes and further information is available however simply put Code 3s are findings where there is no danger. These are recommendations to improve the system to the latest regulations Code 2s are possible danger and urgent attention is needed. Code 1 means danger is present and needs rectified immediately.
Any Code 1 or 2 will lead to an unsatisfactory report until the remedial works to address the codes are addressed. When these remedies are complete a new EICR is not needed just a certificate of the remedial having been completed is sufficient.

Do I need an EICR?
The IET BS7671 advises an EICR be carried out at certain intervals. Homeowners should have their homes tested every 10 years or when they feel their electrics may have deteriorated. New home buyers are recommended to get an EICR carried out to ensure they will not face further surprise costs due to electrical safety issues in their new home. Landlords are recommended to have their properties tested every 5 years or when there is a change of tenancy. Most housing associations in Northern Ireland already require this and it became a legal requirement In England recently for private landlords. Business owners' Commercial properties are usually recommended to be tested every 5 years. This is useful for business owners to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at work act of 1989. While an EICR is not a statutory legal requirement landlords and business owners are legally responsible for the safety and welfare of their tenants, employees and customers and the EICR can help prove compliance with the statutory regulations.